Main Forum TopicWhenLast activityReplies[closed] Welcome to the Forum by Sinna8 years agoSinna0[closed] Testimonial: Wow! by Mmy17 years agoMmy10[closed] How to create a studio in clip4sale without a bank account? by gabriel.alejandrong7 years agoSinna1[closed] Difference between $1.99 guide and $20 Patron membership? by beamodel8 years agoSinna1Making money on xhamster? by DonaDiabla7 years agoSinna4[closed] Faster loading, less issues? by Sinna8 years agoSinna0[closed] Testimonial/report for making $1000/month using Sinna's guide by AbbyGinaWells8 years agoAbbyGinaWells0[closed] When customers ask you to include certain information in the description by Sinna8 years agoSinna0