Do you want to use my content? To some extent, that is allowed:

  • You can always share and like my articles using the social media buttons
  • You can NOT use any of my images. If you want to use any of the free for commercial use photos I use, you have to quote the source yourself.
  • You can reference, quote or, if you must, paraphrase short(!) passages (~100 words) from my articles if you give full credit to me as the author and link to my original article.
  • Don’t take my full articles, paraphrase them and post them as your own. Don’t take my full articles and quote the whole article, giving credit to me. If you use the whole article, worst case google will ban us from the search results for duplicate content. Before I get banned because of your greed, I will file a DMCA with google against you (as a last resort)
  • This one is obvious, but just in case: You can’t take my content and sell it. In no way.
  • You can’t take unique ideas from my articles and publish them as your own. Not only text, but ideas are intellectual property covered by the DMCA as well.

How should you give credit?

  • Put as the source. If possible, link to the original article. Mention me, Sinna, as the author when using a quote or parts of my articles for reference. 

Note: I can’t believe that even content from a content producer, who writes about the pirating of content being bad, is being pirated by you. Stop it!