I continued working on the back end of the site and it took less than 1 second to load for me just now, before I was logged in. But even upon logging in, it is still very fast.
I heard about problems starting a topic and posting comments (isn't that a tenacious evil!) so I deactivated some plugins that could cause these problems and the site became faster.
Please report any problems you encounter so I can try to fix them. You can email me or post them in this thread! 🙂
Hey there,
I continued working on the back end of the site and it took less than 1 second to load for me just now, before I was logged in. But even upon logging in, it is still very fast.
I heard about problems starting a topic and posting comments (isn't that a tenacious evil!) so I deactivated some plugins that could cause these problems and the site became faster.
Please report any problems you encounter so I can try to fix them. You can email me or post them in this thread! 🙂
(Let's hope that I'll be able to post this topic)