Making money on xhamster? (4 replies)
I have a profile there but not for earning money. However, I am in the beta of, a clip site from xhamster that will launch in July. They will put massive traffic there from day 1. It's going to be interesting for sure.
They prefer 20+ minute videos though and low prices. I told them that I suggest a minimum price to protect the prices, since I don't plan on selling 20+ minute clips for 3$.
Thanks Sinna. I was just wondering!
I have my xhamster producer account to market my clips4sale studios and Niteflirt goodies. I have about 10 new customers from xhamster after being on there for one week. I am using xhamster for marketing only and it is working.
Hey Dona,
how are you doing on xhamster?
Is anyone using xhamster premium to sell clips? I have a studio with one clip up there and no time to post more.
With the amount of traffic on xhamster, I was thinking it should be possible to earn some money with clip sales there.
Would be great to hear about some experiences.
Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone has xhamster producer account? If so, are you doing pretty good on xhamster?