Producers Power

Producers Power

Film content

5.3 /10

Prepare content for upload

5.4 /10


5.3 /10

Write descriptions and update the store(s)

5.2 /10


5.0 /10

Answer messages and emails

5.4 /10

Develop / Research for new ideas

5.2 /10

Read relevant information on the internet

5.2 /10

Try something new

5.1 /10

Invest time / money into the future success of the business

5.4 /10


  • We are all in this together
  • You can read in the comments below how others did (today)
  • You can rate as often as you like, whenever you feel that you accomplished something


  • We are all in this together 😛


Motivating yourself can be a challenge

Sure, parts of running your own business are fun. But sometimes we hit a wall and important parts of the business are in jeopardy of coming short.

There are times when we can do nothing about that, but sometimes we know that we could do more, just somehow, we don’t.

Like a lack of motivation.

This is a page where I can motivate myself, you can motivate yourself and we can show responsibility for each other.

What are the most important things each day, when it comes to working a clipstore business?


We measure our combined “Producers Power” (Yeey!)

  1. Film content
  2. Prepare content for upload
  3. Upload
  4. Write descriptions and update the store(s)
  5. Promotion
  6. Answer messages and emails
  7. Develop / Research for new ideas
  8. Read relevant information on the internet
  9. Try something new
  10. Invest time / money into the future success of the business.

You don’t need to do all of these things every day, but you can. Especially 4-9.


Below in the comments, there is a rating system

Each rating, from anyone posting a comment, will influence the scores by 10%.

If you don’t want to rate an item, because you did not plan to do it that day, don’t touch that slider. Nothing will happen to that score.

However, if you did not do something that you WANTED to do, rate a low score.

Rate all the items according to how well you did / how pleased you are with yourself (be honest).

Remember: all our ratings influence the scores.

If you run multiple stores and you did well in one but not so good in the other, post a mixed rating OR write two comments, one for each store.



Our goal is to have every score show up green 🙂

When one of us did bad, the others have to do better!

Don’t feel bad about ruining the score: DO SOMETHING about it (next time) 😛


Join the Motivators Circle!

If you just want to comment, leave the sliders be and comment. Untouched sliders won’t influence the scores.

To participate, just comment and adjust the sliders accordingly.

0 is bad, 10 is the best.

If you don’t have an account, click my account and register yourself within 2 seconds. It just takes an email and a password and you are good to go.